In Internet marketing, you have various choices to make as to how you will grow your business. You can choose marketing options that are free, relatively inexpensive, or quite costly. You must decide the budget you can afford and the return on your investment. To build traffic to your website for a reasonable fee, article marketing is a great option.

Your goal as an affiliate marketer or marketer of your own products is to encourage people to buy. They will buy products you promote when they trust you. You can build this trust with your niche market through writing articles. By providing your audience useful, timely, practical articles you connect to them. They see you as an authoritative source of information.

When you prove yourself knowledgeable via your articles, you encourage backlinks to your website. This is through the links you provide in the author's resource box of your articles. People interested in the topics you write about (related to your affiliate or other products) will desire more information. They will look for this information from you. Your links make it easy for them to head your way for more in-depth information on your products.

This is qualified, pre-sold traffic. Why do we call this pre-sold traffic? It's because these people already have a natural interest in your products. They prove this by their interest in the topics you write about related to your affiliate business. If you sell the latest and greatest golf ball on the market, people who read your golf-related articles may backlink to you. Someone uninterested in sports will bypass your article and never link back to you.

Article marketing encourages quality pre-sold traffic. Article marketing encourages quality backlinks; one-way connections from websites all across cyberspace. These links guide readers your way, to where you can engage in the selling process. It's desirable to have many sites link their pages to yours. When they do, you can build your relationship with them further.

You can encourage them to sign up for a newsletter. They may want to download an EBook you're offering, or a podcast. They may want to purchase a product from you immediately. All of this can happen because of backlinks. Therefore, the more links you spread across the Web the better for your business.

How do the search engines view links? They view them very nicely actually. That's because major search engines use the presence of backlinks to rank your site. They look at them and decide where your site will sit in search engine results. Of course, you want to be at or near the top of the list. Ranking very low will not garner you the traffic you need to build a significant business.

Search engines will rank results according to their relevance to a particular query. A search engine will study web page text, and the web page title. They will analyze the description accuracy of the web page. In addition, they will analyze the page's source, associated links, and other aspects of the page. Whatever makes the page match the search query will determine the page rank.

Where you rank in the search engine results pages depends on the broad link network on the Internet. The more quality backlinks that you have from popular websites, the more the search engines see value in your website. Article submission to a good article distribution service ensures you have these quality one-way links.

How does a good article marketing service provide quality backlinks for you? They do so by sending your articles to top-notch reputable publishers of significant popularity. Your articles, with those crucial links, reach a wide audience interested in your specific topics. By extension, they have an interest in your products. Backlinking is a collateral benefit when you reach your niche via articles.

Think of all those popular newsletters and other publications an article distribution service deals with regularly. Think of your links published in all these publications. Think of their vast audiences linking back to you. See all of this from the search engine's point-of-view. The search engine sees your site as one of value because of all these backlinks to you.

When a search engine deems you popular, valuable, or something similar, they rank you higher. When you rank higher, more web searchers find you when they query on a subject. You're at or near the top of the list. Therefore, you garner that quality traffic craving your information and your products.

Building relevant backlinks with articles can truly build your online business. It will take regular article submission over time through numerous article campaigns, but it will work. Patience is a virtue in many things, especially online marketing. Be patient, but take the steps necessary through article marketing to get massive backlinks to your website.

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internet affiliate

Brad McGovern is the Marketing Manager at Article Marketer, and offers advice and news of note to article marketers. Learn more about building relevent backlinks with articles here!

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internet affiliate: internet affiliate

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